Using crystals as home decor!
When using crystals to decorate a large room, if you want the energy of the crystal to emit all around the room using larger crystals (also known as statement pieces) can help emit energy all around your space! If you have a small room and want the energy to emit all around your space crystal spheres are great at this! As the roundness of the sphere emits energy all around your room!
State-meant Piece ^ Crystal Spheres ^
Using smaller crystals!
Smaller crystals (mostly tumble stones) are great when you're working personally with the crystal! However a large crystal also works the same! The difference is when you're working personally with a certain crystal usually you don’t always need the energy to emit all around the room!
Ways to work personally with a certain crystal…
-If your manifesting something at the time and your using this crystal to help lift your manifestations
-If you take the crystal with you daily
So it depends on what you want out of your crystal!
I had so much fun doing this blog post! Please let me know in the comments below what you think of this! And if you have any more questions you'd like me do a blog post on!
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